I just can't believe that I was totally occupied since last Saturday! My God, I can't believe that you people missed me hell much! I am over flattered!! *cairrrr*

Well, I could spent the whole night long telling you guys what have I done since last Saturday, but since it's midnight now, and I'm off to Plymouth Pavilions tomorrow morning for the Big Arts Festival, and to Exeter on Wednesday and will only be back on Thursday night, and off for horse-riding on Friday *fingers-crossed* and off to Efford for mass on Saturday and the list goes on, I promised that as soon as I got hold of my laptop on one of these days I'll be back again. I shall returnnnnn!!!

Till then, enjoy your summer summer peeps!

-nukilan al yang chantek ahakz :P-
2 Responses
  1. farid_izzat Says:

    ad chipsmore ak cnun?

  2. Unknown Says:

    sorilaa farid, xda. ehehe.