Now, where should I start?

It has been freaking 8months since the last I updated my blog. I am a full-time teacher now...a permanent one. Weehoo!

To face the phase-changing season is never easy for me. Parents moving elsewhere due to working commitment, and there's me taking up le responsibilities taking care of my sister...how can life be easier for me?

I started to accept the fact that life now is not about playgrounds and ice-creams anymore. Perhaps in few years time, the status's gonna change...and I will be somebody else. Can't spend long nights outside anymore. Can't just simply bash people just because I want to. JUST BECAUSE. And need to learn to accept the fact that I'm entering somebody's family line soon...and I'm going to be somebody's wife.

WIFE. I've always thought that I'm not going to tie the knot that quick. Come to think of it, I'm getting engaged next year. Looking at that thought makes me think twice, no, thrice...am I capable of being a good lifetime partner to Dex?

Ah well, as what people say, que sera, sera. Whatever will be, will be.

...genuinely comes from my heart and my brain, not from anywhere else unless stated...